Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Exactly where I am suppose to BE...

Hmm... so where to begin... or should I start with the end? I'm beginning to realize that these two ideas are more interchangable than I once thought, and the transition between the two can actually be a beautiful experience.  And from the realization of this infinite pattern this blog was born... well, I guess a few other things inspired it as well...

2010 has been my favorite year to date and though there were many moments that will forever be engrained in my mind... I wish I had some of it down on paper (or should I say up on the screen)? It started out fresh, with me feeling completely at one with myself, living from a whole and happy heart and the beginning of a journey that will continue to nourish my soul for the rest of my life. I began to teach yoga in the fall of 2009 and soon discovered that this was my purpose on this earth, to share the light and love in my heart with the amazing students in our community.  Teaching continues to inspire me everyday and is one of the most rewarding things I spend my time doing.  My wish is for everyone to find and do something that they love... it makes me feel alive and has brightened a light inside me that will never burn out.

As fulfilled as I thought  knew I was, I still had the space in my life for another amazing beginning.  Enter J... soulmate, best friend, boyfriend... love of my life.  I will spare you the details of how it all started (will save for a later date - because it's one of the best stories) but falling in love and being in love with him was my favorite part of this year.  He is charming, handsome, insanely smart and driven.  He loves me, challenges me and he makes me feel like the luckiest lady in the world.

So there you have it... with the end of a year filled with falling, flying, and dreaming... and the start of a new one **... welcome *b*s*b* blog!
